Campbell's Addition to El Paso, Texas, 1885

Nov 22, 2022

Welcome to the captivating history of Campbell's Addition, a historic neighborhood located in El Paso, Texas in the year 1885. Cherry Berry Emporium/Pineapple Parade invites you on a journey back in time to explore the charm and significance of this unique area. Join us as we dive into the intriguing details that shaped Campbell's Addition and discover why it holds a special place in El Paso's history.

The Beginnings

One cannot discuss Campbell's Addition without acknowledging the visionary behind its creation, William S. Hill. In 1885, Hill saw the potential in a tract of land just west of El Paso's downtown area. He envisioned a vibrant community that would cater to the growing population of the city and provide a unique living experience.

Hill's ambition was reflected in the meticulous planning and design of Campbell's Addition. The neighborhood comprised of meticulously arranged streets, spacious lots, and carefully preserved natural features. These elements attracted both locals and newcomers looking for a desirable place to call home in El Paso.

A Neighborhood Steeped in History

Campbell's Addition quickly became a sought-after residential area due to its proximity to downtown and the burgeoning social scene. The neighborhood's architectural diversity showcased a blend of Victorian, Queen Anne, and Revivalist styles, reflecting the tastes and aspirations of the late 19th century population.

Walking through the streets of Campbell's Addition, one can't help but be transported to a bygone era. The meticulously maintained historic homes narrate stories of the families who once lived within their walls. From small cottages to grand mansions, each residence adds a unique character to the neighborhood, making it a treasure trove for history enthusiasts.

Preservation and Restoration

Preservation efforts have played a significant role in maintaining the authenticity of Campbell's Addition over the years. The local community, including Cherry Berry Emporium/Pineapple Parade, has been actively involved in restoring and maintaining the neighborhood's historic charm.

Brick by brick, these efforts have ensured that Campbell's Addition remains a testament to El Paso's rich heritage. With strict guidelines implemented by the local historic preservation committee, any renovations or additions to the properties within the neighborhood are carefully regulated to preserve the integrity of the original designs.

Exploring Campbell's Addition Today

Today, Campbell's Addition continues to be a desirable neighborhood for those seeking historical significance, architectural beauty, and close proximity to downtown El Paso. The area boasts a vibrant atmosphere with an array of local boutiques, restaurants, and artistic enterprises.

Cherry Berry Emporium/Pineapple Parade is proud to be a part of this thriving community. Our store not only showcases unique treasures, but also celebrates the history and spirit of Campbell's Addition. With our carefully curated collection, we aim to bring the past to life and allow visitors to experience the beauty and stories woven within this charming neighborhood.


Campbell's Addition to El Paso, Texas, 1885, is a testament to the vision and legacy of William S. Hill, the dedication of the local community, and the preservation efforts that have ensured its charm and historical significance have endured over the centuries.

Cherry Berry Emporium/Pineapple Parade invites you to explore and immerse yourself in the captivating history of Campbell's Addition. Be transported back to the 19th century as you stroll through the streets, marvel at the architectural gems, and feel the spirit of the past come alive. Join us on this remarkable journey and discover why Campbell's Addition remains a cherished piece of El Paso's heritage.

Belinda Jones
I had no idea about Campbell's Addition! Such a hidden gem in El Paso.
Nov 8, 2023
Joely Urton
What an interesting read! I never knew about Campbell's Addition in El Paso, Texas. It's amazing to learn about the historical significance of this neighborhood.
Oct 11, 2023