History of Texas Wine

Jun 20, 2021


The history of Texas wine is as rich and flavorful as the wines produced in the region. At Cherry Berry Emporium/Pineapple Parade, we celebrate Texas wine and its journey from humble beginnings to being recognized as a prominent player in the wine world.

The Origin of Texas Wine

The story of Texas wine dates back to the 17th century when Spanish missionaries arrived in the region, bringing with them grapevines. These early settlers recognized the potential of the Texas soil and climate for grape cultivation. However, it was not until the 19th century that wine production started gaining momentum.

The first commercial winery in Texas was established in the mid-1800s by Thomas Munson, a horticulturist and viticulturist known for his work in grape species. His efforts to introduce disease-resistant grape varieties helped shape the future of Texas wine production.

Growth and Challenges

In the late 19th century, Texas faced several challenges to its wine industry, including the devastating effects of phylloxera, a grapevine disease. Many vineyards were destroyed, and it took years for the industry to recover.

However, the resilience of Texan winemakers prevailed, and by the early 20th century, there was a resurgence in the production of wine. Prohibition in the 1920s posed another significant obstacle, leading to a decline in wine production. It was not until the 1970s that Texas wine experienced a renaissance.

The Texas Wine Renaissance

The 1970s marked a turning point for the Texas wine industry. Visionary winemakers recognized the untapped potential of the Texas Hill Country and other regions, which offered ideal conditions for grape cultivation.

Today, Texas boasts numerous wineries that produce a wide range of varietals, including Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, and Tempranillo. These wines have gained recognition and awards, putting Texas on the global wine map.

The Impact of Texas Wine

The success of the Texas wine industry extends beyond the borders of the Lone Star State. The unique climate and diverse terroir have allowed Texan winemakers to craft exceptional wines that rival those from well-established wine regions.

Furthermore, the growth of the Texas wine industry has had a positive economic impact, contributing to job creation and tourism. Visitors from all over the world come to Texas to experience its flourishing wine scene, exploring vineyards, participating in wine tastings, and enjoying wine-related events.

Future of Texas Wine

The future of Texas wine shines brightly. As the industry continues to grow and innovate, Texas wines are gaining recognition for their exceptional quality and distinct character. Winemakers are experimenting with new grape varieties and techniques, further pushing the boundaries of what Texas wine can achieve.

Cherry Berry Emporium/Pineapple Parade is proud to be a part of this exciting journey, offering a curated selection of Texas wines that showcase the true essence of the region.


The history of Texas wine is a testament to the passion and determination of its winemakers. From its modest beginnings to its current prominence, the story of Texas wine is a captivating one. At Cherry Berry Emporium/Pineapple Parade, we invite you to explore and savor the incredible flavors of Texas wine while appreciating its rich history.

Etscs Johnson
Texas wine 🍷👏🤩
Oct 5, 2023